The Knowing

It was a low rumble. Barely perceptible. Uncomfortable, but ignored. It was unrecognizable. The low vibrations of something new rippled through me being.

No, it can’t be!

I dug my heels in deeper to the earth below my feet.

Then, it was louder. A rumble and flash of light. I flinched, but the knowing was still out of reach.

And then louder still, begging my attention. A rumble and a flash of light and a hurricane of wind. Reaching and reaching. Reaching for something to hold on to.

Then the ripping and tearing and splitting deep in my being. Through the storm I’m no longer able to ignore, I hear a gentle whisper: I see you.

At that moment, the ripping and tearing and splitting reveal a deep, dark cavern. The pain is electric as awareness floods every inch of my body. The knowing. Just then, the whisper, drawn into its home, enters the cavern. A salve to the pain of the knowing, the whisper settles and expands to the depth of the cavern. It heals the scars of the gate that were ripped away.

This cavern, and the whisper it contains, is now life and breath and light.

Now my body lifts and floats but I no longer reach. My grounding is there, deep inside, in the unknown place. And I am alive. I am home.

